

I have a yacht fibre glass(so its not so old) age n/k it has no mast/rigging or sails. It is very similar to query no MY 57 but the bow is not as pointed and the stern stands vertially and is approx 4in wide and 2in top to bottom it is 78in long 10in beam. On the deck it has the name JODIE and beneath the name is inscribed 10R. the mast and sail sizes are the main unknown quantity.



VMYG Response:

I think this might be a Scimitar. This was a Tony Abel design, which was later marketed by Nylet. A photo is attached, Unfortunately, I don't have a decent profile shot or drawing. The Scimitar dimensions are LOA 64 inches, lwl 54, beam 10.5, mast 78, displacement 17.5 lb. SA 1388 sq inchesCheck the hull against these and see how it fits. If it is a Scimitar, I have a certificate from which I can supply sail dimensions.