30" hard chine boat which I found in the corner
of the loft of my house.
30" long
9.5" wide
8.5 - 8.75 " deep deck to keel
It has no mast or sails (that I can find) and I'd like to restore her.
I have an inkling that she may be a "Tucker" design because
I've seen similar keel and rudder designs on other of his designs, but
not (so far) a hard chine model like this. The model has a full Braine
gear which looks as though it must have been bought, because it looks
so well made.
VMYG comment
This is the 30 inch hard chine boat from D&T: 'Build Yourself a Model Yacht', 1950. . Russell Potts
This is to the design in Daniels and Tucker Build Yourself a Model Yacht (Percival Marshall, 1950). The body and sail plans are below.