I came across you website while surfing for information on vintage model yachts.
I attach photos of a model yacht which I plan to restore.

The hull (excluding bowsprit) is 40.1/2" long,  8.1/2" beam, 3.1/8" deep.
The keel (including weight) is 4.1/8" deep.
The mast is 45" high ox 1/2" dia (including the aluminium ferrule at it's base). The jib is 20.1/2" long x 3/8'" dia.
The hull and mast are all made from a hard white wood - probably Elm.
The mainsail is 41" high and made of cotton. The foresail is lost.

What remains of the Braine Gear is made of aluminum and so is the rear section of the keel.
The rudder is lost. The rudder tube and rudder pin are made of steel.
Most of the deck fittings,  rigging fittings, eyelets etc. are made of 16g brass wire, though the kleets on the rigging strings are made of aluminum.
The Mast socket is made of steel.
The screws holing the mast socket and deck are countersunk brass. Screws holding other deck gear are steel roundheads.
2 x 2", No8 steel countersunk woodscrews hold the keel weight to the wooden keel.

The original owner was Ian's father. Ian is confident that it dates from the late 1930's
There is no sign of any makers name or badge on the boat.
The hull has been repainted at some time, the original colour was a  french blue.
Ian's family are from  Eastbourne  so the boat could have come originally from a model or kit maker/supplier in that area.

Ian and I intend to strip and reassemble the boat as close as we can to it's original form and then sail it again.

I have not undertaken a model boat restoration before so any help and information you can provide would be much appreciated.
In particular the I need to know the probable size and shape of the rudder.



VMYG Comment:

This boat is in a style that matches the suggested date of the late 1930s. The design is, in all respects, what I would have expected from someone in the mainstream of model yachting. Despite this, the boat does not fit into any of the classes sailed at that time and the construction suggests that she is home built, rather than a commercial product or from a kit. The wide range of materials used for the metal parts suggests that she isn't a commercial product. Most likely she is built to a plan that appeared in a general craft magazine, rather than a specialist model yachting publication.

The use of yew, if it is yew, is very unusual. I rather doubt that it can be. If it is, the boat will be very much over its designed structure weight. Where does it float in the water? Subject to this proviso, there's no reason why she shouldn't restore very well. You may be interested in some of the titles published by the Curved Air Press