VMYG meeting, Rick Pond 2004


We had a great day at the Rick Pond, lovely sunshine and a good breeze.

John Gale and Martin Bandey won joint 1st places with Tony Hatherall in his first ever vane race coming third.

In view of the joint first, Martin got the better bottle of prize wine on account of his age..(his boat’s age that is!).



This "bottoms up" photo is of Gareth with "Swallow" and Martin with "Kestrel" ready for the home reach board.

The chap with the dreadnought destroyer is our host for the day, Roger Thomas with an incredible model he has recently restored with most elaborate clockwork motor, it combines about ten separate springs which seem to unwind in succession and drive contra rotating propellors through a gear box, quite something but not competitive with the Marbleheads which were sailing!