Where to get it


Source List

The following source list may help to you to find some of the small items needed for vintage boat repair. It is not to be taken as an endorsement by the VMYG of any company listed.
If you have any other useful sources please email Nigel Hancock with details.


Grove Pond Yachts
A range of new, traditionaly built, pond yachts, to the various racing classes. Also smaller boats and fittings.
Grove Pond Yachts

Southwold free-sailing yachts with GRP hulls.
29" Beach Yawl (1920).
20" bermudan sloop (1920s). 25" bermudan sloop (1930s).
Bare hulls to fit out yourself or complete boats ready to sail.
Ian, Tel. 01394 386587.

Pond Yacht Antiques, sale and purchase of pond yachts and associated collectables.
07905168442 http://www.pondyachtantiques.co.uk

Ebay This well known auction site always has model yachts for sale so is worth a look; very occasionally something is interesting. http://www.ebay.co.uk

Cutting Mats
Think of it as a very thin bread board with a self healing surface. Available from many places including major suppliers such as http://www.ryman.co.uk/, or http://www.staples.co.uk/

Knotwork bow fenders expertly knitted by hand in white or beige soft cotton. Available in 4 standard sizes. Small (5"), medium (6"), large (7") and extra large (9"). Medium is suitable for a 10-rater. Side and stern fenders also available.
C Sadd, Tel 01749 347212. 

MacFit Model Yacht Fittings. Fittings, including steering gears, for vintage model yachts made to your drawings or original parts copied.
Bernie, Tel. 0151 6397106

SailsEtc A wide range of modern fittings but also a range of Vintage fittings.

Model Yacht Fittings in Florida USA

Lead Casting
Leadatom Europe Ltd., Unit 1, Brockenhurst Industrial Estate, Gosport, PO12 4DP.
Tel. 02392 523973. www.leadatom.co.uk 

Aldruscilla, 8 Deer Park Road, London, SW19 3UU.
Tel. 020 8543 8710.   www.aldruscilla.co.uk

Rigging Line
Hard-laid Cotton, Off-white.
Available in two thicknesses as “Faithful” brand chalk lines, as used by builders. Each chalk line is 18 metres long, and they come in boxes of 12. However, they are left joined up in 3s, so in effect each box contains 4 lengths of line each 54 metres long. A supplier who holds stock will cut off and sell just one 18 metre chalk line, but a supplier who orders specially will have to order a box of 12, and so he may be willing to do so only if the customer agrees to purchase the whole box.

When the line is cut, the end has a tendency to open up because the fibres are so smooth. The way to deal with this is to work a little weatherproof PVA glue into the end and then re-twist it. When dry, trim the end with a sharp blade and a small piece of wood.

  • Catalogue number FAI 303. About 1.5mm diameter. Price, box of 12 chalk lines, £11.45 + vat.
  • Catalogue number FAI 304. About 2.0mm diameter. Price, box of 12 chalk lines, £14.19 + vat.

“Faithful” chalk lines are stocked by many builder’s merchants, tool suppliers and hardware stores.

Toolbank Express
”, has a country-wide organisation of retail outlets, To obtain a list of the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the 10 Toolbank Express retail outlets nearest to your postcode, go to http://www.toolbank.com

Darpers, also supplied by them as part number CL18

(Prices correct as at 3/05/2009.)

See plans section of website

All aspects of repair and restoration undertaken by traditional methods to a high standard.
Chris, Tel. 01428 722817.
Apex Sails, Tel. 01278 785938.
Sails made of traditional materials.
Nylet have been making sails for 81 years, and will make any sails to order to your sizes, in racing scrim, Dacron, and classic sewn sails in varnished Terylene. Cotton sails for vintage yachts a speciality. Also yachts rigged, advice and assistance with your project and restoration work undertaken (via Chris Hayward). A full range of model yachting requisites including IOM yacht kits & sail rigs, mast tubing, mast & deck fittings, wires, screws etc, books and Nylet ‘how to’ booklets. Send 10 x 1st class stamps for the full 36 page illustrated world-wide catalogue. Ring for free mini catalogue (UK).
Nylet, (Dept VMYG), PO Box 5416, Bournemouth, BH6 5XT. Tel. 07474 939 535. www.nylet.co.uk

Sail cloth - cotton.
When a traditional sail cloth company talks about "weight of a yard of cloth", they can mean 36 x 24 inches, not a square yard. So check.
The most appropriate material we have found in the UK is "down proof cambric", used for lining cushions to stop the feathers coming out.
John Lewis Group 'downproof cambric 65231401'. Go to the furnishing and upholstery department, not the dress fabrics section.
There are many other suppliers of material, the companies listed under "Sails" will also supply suitable sail cloth.

Sail cloth - varnished terylene
UK Insulations Ltd. Mainly supply the electrical insulation industry but are a source of the traditional varnished terylene sail cloth. Check on minimum order price and colour.
Syke Mill, Belthorn Road, Belthorn, Blackburn, BB1 2NN.
Tel. 1254 264499.http://www.ukinsulations.co.uk

Nylet are also able to supply, see their contact details above.

Screws, brass in small sizes
Screws Line. Mr Lee Ryder,
3 Willand Close, Breightmet, Bolton, Lancs. BL2 6TQ
Tel: 07972 779907 . www.screwsline.co.uk 

Screw Eyes, etc. brass.
B and Q DIY Stores. (Prices correct as at 31/08/2012.)

  • Screw eye, extra small, brass. Bar code 0321 0468. Quantity 25. Price £5.18.
    Outside diameter 7mm. Threaded tail 8mm long.
  • Gate hook and eye. Brass. Each packet contains 2 gate hooks and 4 screw eyes.
  • 50mm size. Bar code 0506 6339. Price 43p.
    Screw eye outside diameter 10mm. Threaded tail 10mm long.
  • 75mm size. Bar code 0506 6797. Price 98p.
    Screw eye outside diameter 11mm. Threaded tail 14mm long.
  • 100mm size. Bar code 0506 6780. Price £1.48.
    The screw eyes are the same size as those with the 75mm size gate hook.
Homebase DIY Stores. (Prices correct as at 31/08/2012.)
  • Screw eye, brass, small. Bar code 5 050595 240522. Article number 824416. Quantity 6. Price £2.99. Outside diameter 7mm. Threaded tail 8mm long.

Star Yacht Stands
VMYG member Mark Russell has made up a batch of reproduction Star Yacht stands, they're available in 3 different colour variations and 3 different sizes to suit most models in the Star Yacht range. A larger stand to suit the BR4 "Comet, SB 4 "Baltic Star" and SB5 "Western Star" will be available in due course.
They also sell Skipper Yachts, a modern version of the Star range. For the next generation?

David Dyke His specialty is his very wide range of woods for guitar makers but he is also able to supply wood for yacht restoration or building. You need to be able to specify clearly what you require so that he can work out a price.

The inclusion of any information on this Webpage does not imply, or carry any recommendation, endorsement or warranty by any member of The Vintage Model Yacht Group as to fitness for purpose or  continued availability in connection with any services which may be offered or supplied.

