
What is it?

If you have any information on the boats we would be very pleased to hear from you

If you have a boat that you would like to identify please have a look at these boats to see if there is anything similar. If there is nothing to help send picture, about 480 x 360 pixels please, plus boat's name or identification, background history and dimensions to webmaster and we will try to help. Please note that submission of photographs confers right to reproduce such images on this website only.

If you have any information on the boats we would be very pleased to hear from you.

Query Number Boat name Description Thumbnail Picture
my61 Poppet Early Marblehead
my60 n/a Unknown American
my59 n/a Another Alexander
my58 n/a Two boats 


my57 n/a 1930's 10 rater
my56 n/a Two unidentified retoration projects
my55 n/a 36" by Alexander of Preston?
my54 n/a Two unidentified purchases - one a Tri-ang model
my53 Old Leady Not only home made - home designed as well
my52 n/a 1900ish Gaff Cutter
my51 John Player Special  
my50 Razorbill Designed W Daniels 1952
my49 n/a Australian toy yacht - origin unknown
my48 n/a 1930's Origin unknown
my47 Sandpiper 36" yacht - not 36R
my46 RG Schooner Unfinished schooner hull
my45 Ryde yacht Racing hull from IoW
my44 Fortune Schooner