
What is it?

If you have any information on the boats we would be very pleased to hear from you

If you have a boat that you would like to identify please have a look at these boats to see if there is anything similar. If there is nothing to help send picture (about 480 x 360 pixels please- NOTmulti mega pixels!) plus boat's name or identification, background history and dimensions to webmaster and we will try to help. Please note that submission of photographs confers right to reproduce such images on this website only.

If you have any information on the boats we would be very pleased to hear from you.

Query Number Boat name Owner's provisional identification VMYG identification
my43 Gaff cutter Commercial model Agreed but maker unknown
my42 Gale's 1m Possibly Robbe Not identified
my41 Phoenix Toy boat Possibly Bowman
my40 21in yacht Old family toy yacht Similar to Sugg perhaps
my39 Restless Family model yacht - professionally built?  
my38 B Boat Commercial model Made by The British Yacht and Model Co
my37 Johnson three 30R. A Class and ????  
my36 Lily Schooner, not racing class Commercial model from the late 19th century
my35 Glede 1930's yacht 1920-1930ish commercial model
my34 Genie 70's Marblehead, possibly Genie Genie
my33 Gaff Yacht 1939 Gaffer  
my32 Twin fin toy WWW1 toy yacht Agreed. similar to Gamages model
my31 Dainty 10 Rater 1925 (or earlier)
my30 Bateau Half metre  
my29 Autralian Yacht None Possibly freelance design
my28 Crossed flags 1915 approx  
my27 Taw 1930's model Smallish 10 rater
my26 Hard chine 36 Bantock design 36R Vic Smeed Gosling
my25 Paper Boat Advertising Oddity
my24 36" e-bayer American 'A' class Not A class. Cannot identify positively
my23 Alpha Old pond yacht 20's or 30's. american design influence
my22 Family yacht Old family toy yacht seeking restoration An example of a Sugg yacht
my21 Ena A Danish yacht Class not identified yet but boat has an impressive racing record
my20 Dragon A scale Dragon class yacht Attractive boat of unknown origin
my19 Royal Blue Gaff cutter 19th century gaff cutter
my18 Aberdeen shed find 1930's non racing class model, probably home brew but possibly by Weir
my17 RG's latest Possibly modified 36R design
my16 e-bay hull 1900ish Possibly 15 rater
my15 Sputnik Tucker designed Marblehead Tucker Quackie series
my14 Cornish Antique On offer in antique shop - worth the money?  
my13 Regatta Restoration help needed with Regatta toy boat Unusual French commercial model.
my12 Janison Restoration help needed 1930's 36R but more info needed.
my11 American 36 inch Probably an Daniels designed 36R Probably Midge but undecided.
my10 Sweet Annemy Sail plan help needed Superior toy or non class model
my9 Nigel's Yacht School purchase Early 6 metre
my8 Heather Dew 1940 model yacht Alexanders of Preston model
my7 Henrietta Traditional cornish gaffer? Not yet identified
my6 Star look-alike Star look-alike but commercial or amateur built? Scale star yacht, probably amateur
my5 Gaff yacht Not much known. Reputedly WWW1 period Prospero Schooner
my4 Twin fin yacht Perhaps A class 1890-1910 15 rater
my3 W384 Probably commercial toy Not yet identified
my2 Owl Possibly 1875 racing boat 1730 rule 15 tonner
my1 Maud 1930's toy boat Identified and confirmed
my44 to my61 index current index top